R1 Award Logo

What is the R1 Award

The R1 Award, unlike most awards is an award that people should not be proud to be awarded. Most clubs will award awards for the best people, but as most of our committees would have never achieved what we consider to be the best, we decided, after several drinks, to give an award for the most comical mistake, made on a Mountaineering trip or event.
The idea for this came from Adders at the end of the academic year 2004-2005. There was an award like this where he used to work at a residential activity centre in the Dordogne Region of France. Each week nominations would go in and get voted on. The nominations included the Catering manager who nearly served up a vegetarian option of sausage rolls and the instructor who pressed the fire alarm instead of the light switch and caused a full centre evacuation at 00:30 in the morning.
Our R1 awards have been awarded since October 2005 and in that time have been awarded to most committee members, as well as several other members. To see the awards so far, check out the Role of Infamy.

Who can be Awarded the R1 Award

The R1 award can be awarded to any member of OBSU Mountaineering Society who does something worthy of getting the award. This is primarily committee as with greater responsibility, come the opportunity for greater mistakes.

Why is it called the R1 Award

As the R1 Award is awarded for the greated mistake/**** up that is made on a trip or on a society event, it seemed right to name the award after the one single cause of the most problems within the society. R1 was one of the Sports Centre minibuses that was involved in numerous break downs and other issues, including breaking down in the centre of France, after the Piston welded itself to the Engine block in a freak and very unlikely oil flow issue. This minibus has since been sold off, but can still be seen sround Oxford.

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